We honor and revere the Lord according to Acts 2:42.

We do not add or take away from the scriptures according to Revelation 22:18-19

We understand the Word of God judges every man, not us, according to John 12:48.

We understand and embrace the leading of the Holy Spirit according to Romans chapter 8, and Galatians chapter 5;

Understanding that the primary instrument of the Spirit is the Word, according to Ephesians 6:17, and convicts us to action, according Hebrews 4:12.

We understand we are not righteous on our own, but are justified by God's grace according to Romans 3:24.

Our mission, is the great commission according to Matthew 28:18-20,

We understand we must call on the name of the Lord to be saved according to Acts 2:38, 1Peter 3:21, Acts 22:16

About us

This an extremely loving, welcoming, and hospitable congregation. We have had elders in the recent past, but at the moment we do not.  

We have: 

One full-time evangelist: Brandon Slater

Part time preacher:

Hugh Delong

Part time preacher:

Jeff Trees

There are several members that step up to serve, and/or teach classes for all ages. 

Our current number ranges from an average of 40-50.

There are a few families with young children, there are teens, and some college aged attending. 

CONSERVATIVE church of Christ in San Angelo?

Although that term is not used in scripture, and is more of a political term, we would prefer to be "right" or "sound" in the eyes of God. However, understanding how this term is used, yes we are considered a very "conservative" congregation.  We take silence in the scriptures very seriously according to Proverbs 30:6, and Revelation 22:18-19. Equally we speak where the Bible speaks, as is, in context, without compromise, according to 2 Timothy 4:1-5